ÖLFLEX® CONNECT delivers complete custom cable solutions. LAPP will develop a concept, apply our engineering expertise, and transition to production all under one roof. We bring engineering experience and a proactive approach to creating custom cable assemblies to match specific needs.


ÖLFLEX® CONNECT offers a comprehensive line of services to guarantee 100% of your custom cable application needs will be met:

  • Review of interconnection needs for custom cable
  • Recommendations for connectivity solutions
  • Provide concept drawings
  • Prepare quotations
  • Provide final engineering drawings
  • Quality control of finished custom cable products


LAPP’s wide range of high quality products, including cables and connectors, is augmented by ÖLFLEX CONNECT’s custom cable assembly design and manufacturing abilities.


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Custom populated cable chain for use in the automation control and drive industries.
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Wide range of Bus Cordsets solutions: DeviceNet, Profibus and Ethernet for both flexing/static applications.
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Allow for easy access to a PLC or industrial computer device.